"what are you going to do if they just won't stop?"

Coal Action Network works for an end to coal use in power generation and steel production; coal extraction and coal imports in the UK,
and for justice for communities affected by the UK's current and historical coal consumption and mining. CLICK TO FIND OUT MORE.
Just Stop Oil is nationwide a coalition of groups taking non-violent direct action to ensure the UK Government commits to halting new fossil fuel
licensing and production. Click here to take action.
Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse. Click here for local groups in the UK
Earth First! is a banner who people who use non-hierarchial organisation and direct action to confront, stop and eventually reverse the forces that are responsible for the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants. EF! is not a cohesive group or campaign, but a convenient banner for people who share similar philosophies to work under. UK winter moot: 9-11 February 2024 in Nottingham
Ende Gelände is a broad alliance of people from the anti-nuclear and anti-coal movements, the Rhineland and Lausitz climate camps, the Hambacher Forest anti-coal campaign, grassroots climate action groups, large environmental organisations, left political groups and many other campaigns, groups and networks who share the belief that to stop climate change we need to take action ourselves, using civil disobedience as a powerful signal for real action to put our climate before profit.

Lützerath is a village in the Rhineland region that is to be destroyed for the profits of a major international corporation, RWE to expand the Garzweiler oencast coal mine. Since 2020, activists have occupied the village and built treehouses and barricades to defend it from destruction and halt RWE's plans to burn 650 million tons of brown coal.
Zucker im Tank ("Sugar in the Tank') support affinity-group-actions to create climate justice and a just society in solidarity.
We are the last generation that can still prevent society from collapsing. The government ignores all warnings. We are no longer willing to accept this crime against humanity without resistance. Letze Generation uses civil resistance to demand the German government stops new North Sea oil production and reduces demand for oil by providing free pulic transport.
Wald Statt Asphalt is an alliance of campaigns defending nature from the destruction of new road building. See frontline protest camps across Germany, Austria and Switzerland here.